Enzo Benigni, Elettronica’s President and CEO, comments the announcement of the launch of the GCAP international program – Global Combat Air Programme.

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Enzo Benigni, Elettronica’s President and CEO, comments the announcement of the launch of the GCAP international program – Global Combat Air Programme.

“Starting from a relevant collaborative experience as co-design for the electronic warfare of the EFA Typhoon Fighter aircraft, Elettronica will bring to the GCAP (GLOBAL COMBAT AIR PROGRAMME) project a solid fundamental engineering and systems maturity in a context in which the challenge of electronic warfare is very complex and strategic.

Rome, 9 December 2022

“Starting from a relevant collaborative experience as co-design for the electronic warfare of the EFA Typhoon Fighter aircraft, Elettronica will bring to the GCAP (GLOBAL COMBAT AIR PROGRAMME) project a solid fundamental engineering and systems maturity in a context in which the challenge of electronic warfare is very complex and strategic. The GCAP program is destined to revolutionize the technological capabilities of the industries, the future of the electronic defence in Europe and the way in which military operational scenarios have been operated so far, where interoperability capabilities, network connectivity, information superiority will be enhanced in order to fuel a deep integration within the main platform and between various piloted and unmanned platforms. Specifically, the ISANKE & ICS (Integrated Sensing And Non Kinetic Effects & Integrated Communication System) domain will deal with these aspects, of which Elettronica will be the national champion in the EW, in the context of an international collaboration that also involves Leonardo and Mitsubishi Electronic Company, with the ambition of generating and preserving solid technological sovereignty”.

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Press release

Enzo Benigni, Elettronica’s President and CEO, comments the announcement of the launch of the GCAP international program – Global Combat Air Programme.