A story made of future.

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A story made of future.

Elettronica celebrates Its 70th birthday.

Rome, 10th February 2021

Elettronica was founded in 1951 by the engineer Filippo Fratalocchi. He introduced Italy to electronic warfare, realising the need to protect ships, planes and vehicles from electromagnetic threats like radar. The intervening years has seen Elettronica grow from 25 to more than 1000 employees in the world.

By the end of the 1960s Elettronica was leading the development of solid-state countermeasures, becoming world famous for its expertise. The 1980s saw the company open local offices around the world from Asia to the Middle East. Being close to the customer helps the firm be responsive to customer needs while easing logistical and operational support.

Today the company’s solutions are found onboard a raft of leading European defence programmes from the Franco-Italian FREMM and Horizon warships, to the Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft and NH-90 helicopter.

Over the years, the core business has been enriched by new competencies and a more focused value proposition through two subsidiaries, Elt GmbH – the 100% owned German subsidiary acknowledged as a centre of excellence in Homeland Security, and CY4GATE – listed on the AIM Italian Stock Exchange since June 2020, specialised in the Cyber domain. Today, 70 years after its establishment, Elettronica is a global and integrated Defence, Security and Cyber Group.

Trusted partner of the Italian armed forces and strongly supported by them, the Elettronica’s products are equipped over 3000 platforms used by over 30 armed forces worldwide. The company also provides world class training at its Electronic Warfare Academy.
Seven decades of experience helps the company to anticipate and counter future threats. From analogic to digital technology; artificial intelligence, machine learning and cyber, Elettronica is at innovation’s leading edge. This innovation is not just centred on products, but also processes. It is backed by the circa €13 million yearly invested by the Company on research and development Projects.
Furthermore the Company’s vision is in line with emerging trends in Electronic Warfare, now characterised by integrated systems architecture maximising synergies between various functions, significantly optimising operational results and the performance of sixth-generation platforms.

Elettronica is at the forefront of the convergence of electronic and cyber warfare. Elettronica has been and will continue to be the point of reference in the management of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) for security and defence. An increasingly strategic competence at a time when mastering the EMS has become the enabling dimension for success in the sea, land, air, space and cyber domains.
Enzo Benigni, Chairman and CEO says “The future is already here, and Elettronica has made the future an actual part of its history. I see this anniversary as a starting point for new challenges. We want to be a leader in offering effective, innovative solutions. We are working to ensure that this leadership is acknowledged not only for the technological excellence of the solutions we offer, but also for how we manage the development of the company: the working environment, the development of skills and the ability to integrate with our stakeholders.”

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A story made of future.