ELT Group Ethics & Compliance.
Discover more about our new Code of Ethics and how we receive, analyze and manage the whistleblowing reports received by ELT Group.
Our new Code of Ethics
The political and social transformations of our time, along with the growing complexity of economic relations between companies operating in national and foreign markets, make it more than ever essential and indispensable today to focus attention on the ethics of conduct, both within and outside corporate structures.
In particular, the shift in the global scenario has called for renewed attention towards the ethical and value system of Elettronica in order to direct and sustain the Company in its continuous evolution and development process.
We therefore chose to pursue our objective through the development of a new Code of Ethics consisting of:
– the Charter of Values, the general ethical principles at the foundation of the Company’s actions, in keeping with the Company Vision;
– the Charter of Commitments, a set of rules of conduct that orients the Company’s daily operations and all those who are involved in the realization of the Company Mission.
We are strongly convinced that the promotion of ethical principles in which we believe generates added value and contributes to increasing employee welfare, customer satisfaction and, more generally, benefiting all stakeholders.
To achieve the desired results, we strive for these “intangible” values to be widely disseminated within Elettronica and be internalized by everyone who is part of it, because no organizational model and no form of control can ever achieve them completely in the absence of real sharing by everyone.
In this respect, the Company undertakes to respect and promote the principles contained in the Code of Ethics, both internally and externally, and requires the staff to do likewise, each with their own conduct and actions.
Read more about our whistleblowing management system.
ELT GROUP intends to regulate the reporting of violations of the law of the European Union and national regulations, as defined pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 24/2023 (in implementation of EU Directive no. 1937/2019 of the European Parliament and of the European Council of October 23rd, 2019).
The Whistleblowing Policy therefore intends to dictate the rules for the processing of such reports, so that the legislative provisions are respected and the process followed for the analysis is made known of reports and for subsequent checks regarding the existence of violations, of which the whistleblowers should become aware in the context of the relationship maintained, in various capacities, with ELT GROUP.
This Policy also dictates the measures to protect whistleblowers and the definition of the internal and external reporting channels.
ELT GROUP has adopted a reporting platform (eltgroup.eticainsieme.it) which allows you to send a report or a meeting request to the Management Committee, which guarantees the protection of the confidentiality of the reporting party and the reported party, carrying out the necessary assessments, checks and insights.
Our whistleblowing reports platform.
If you want to send us a whistleblowing report please use our dedicated platform.