ELT Group at ILA Berlin

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ELT Group at ILA Berlin

The Company, in Germany for more than 40 years, is ready for its consolidation in the German market

Rome, 5 June 2024

ELT Group is participating in ILA Berlin, the international aerospace event taking place this year from 5 to 9 June. For more than 70 years, ELT Group has been a world leader in Electronic Defense Systems. Thanks to innovative management of the electromagnetic spectrum, achieved through proprietary and integrated technologies, today the brand is an international Group with a multi-domain approach that also covers Cyber, Biodefense and Space, a domain in which the company moved in, with the first payload for ELectronic INTelligence activities, flying today in LEO (Low Earth Orbit) and dedicated to the collection of test data.

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Press release

ELT Group at ILA Berlin