E4shield listed by JRC among innovative technologies for defence against airborne pathogens

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E4shield listed by JRC among innovative technologies for defence against airborne pathogens

A Technology Foresign study’ includes E4shield as one of the innovative technologies to be considered in the EU’s future to ensure an increase in indoor air quality.

Rome, 02 May 2024

E4shield, the technology conceived, developed and patented by ELT Group that uses electromagnetic waves to inactivate respiratory viruses in the air, has been included and positively evaluated in the JRC – HERA technology foresight study. The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) provides scientific support to the European Union in defining future guidelines/regulations with the aim of improving quality of life, for example by supporting the development and implementation of innovative technologies. The report ‘Suppressing Indoor Pathogen Transmission: A Technology Foresign study’ includes E4shield as one of the innovative technologies to be considered in the EU’s future to ensure an increase in indoor air quality.

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E4shield listed by JRC among innovative technologies for defence against airborne pathogens